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Reassign/Transfer chat ownership


Hi, My english is not very good, but I try to explain my usefull (as I think) addition to openwebim...

I think that status of operator must be shown, when you try to redirect user to another operator, so, I add some lines  in function get_redirect_links from libs/operator.php:

after line 191

        $link_ = connect  ();
        $row = select_one_row  ("select (unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time from chatoperator where operatorid='".$agent['operatorid']."'",$link_);
        mysql_close  ($link_);
        $online_operator = ($row['time'] < $settings['online_timeout']) ? "on" : "off";
        $agent_list .= "<li><a href=\"".add_params ($webimroot."/operator/redirect.php",$params)."\" title=\"".topage  ($agent['vclocalename'])."\">".topage($agent['vclocalename'])." - ".$online_operator."</a>";

 Thanks for your work about openwebim! It is realy usefull for me!

Great! Thanks.

Goes into the next release.

Wow, very cool. Thanks much for this tip.  ;)

so is this already in or do we have to add it?

Already in 1.6.0


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