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Powered by:


Great program/software you offer, thank you!

Just a few questions.

1. Do we have the option to remove the powered by links from the chat box area? I plan to customize for a client and charge him for the customization and don't want them to know where and how  I got this. I don't mind paying, but would like to know how I'd go about this process?

2. Are we able to put: Powered by "our company name" (again, would paying for this option allow us to do this)?

3. Concerning the chat buttons, are we able to customize the buttons to be any size and shape we want?

Thank you!

You cannot remove the original copyrights. Please, read EPL.

tHANKS for your response. I tried reading that thing and couldn't understand a word of it. Is the copyrights embedded somewhere within the source code, or is the powered by openwebim link the copyright you're referencing?

I guess my only question really is if i can remove the "powered by" link?

Correct me if I am wrong:
GPL does not allow you to remove the copyright, but does not enforce adding copyright to your own code using (not based on) the GPLed code.

What I am trying to say is that "powered by" is in openwebim template - if you create your own template from scratch (and I do mean from scratch - just some modifications do not count) you are not forced to add any copyright info (including your own) to that template be it visible or hidden in code.

On a related note to openwebim creators: would you consider dual-licencing the code with GPL & LGPL? I have an open source CRM with an GPL-incompatible licence and I would love to be able to provide an im addon.


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