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SOLVED !!!Install Problem /webim/install/ blank page
Hello completed the install with all permisions as per instructions..
webim/install/index.php just returns a blank page
webim/ login page displays OK
Tried everything with permissions. Pls help
Tried with 755 and 644 for the install folder...
I did:
chown -R apache:apache webim/ so now everything is under apache user and group
chmold -R 755 webim/
chmod -R 644 webim/install/ (goto http://Myserver/webim.instal/)I get no permission on this server message
chmod -R 755 webim/install/ (goto http://Myserver/webim.instal/ ) I get balnk page.
At thsi point ,to test, t I changed the name of the file /webim/install/package(goto http://Myserver/webim.instal/ ) NOT BLank page anymore!!
I get message that it cant find the file "package".....
What is going on? any help pls?
Platform is CentOS
Apache version 2.2.3
MySQL version 5.0.91
php.i386 0:5.2.13-1
I was missing php-mysql.. !!!!
After Install of php-mysql package LOVE ;D
Hope it helps others with same problem
Thanks for reporting! I'll add a separate check that mysql extension is installed/available.
im getting same problem what do you mean by this:
"After Install of php-mysql package"
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