Mibew Messenger Community

General => Support => Topic started by: acherwinski on October 06, 2010, 02:59:14 PM

Title: double login boxes
Post by: acherwinski on October 06, 2010, 02:59:14 PM
On the operator or administrator login screen why are there two login boxes and only one labeled password box? Users might find it simpler with only one, but perhaps I am not understanding the difference between the two.

Thank you,


Title: Re: double login boxes
Post by: jarradyuhas on October 06, 2010, 04:18:43 PM
Good point. You can easily remove this in the coding, so that shouldnt be an issue at all. Hopefully devs come back and see this post. They seem to have been MIA for a while.
Title: Re: double login boxes
Post by: acherwinski on October 08, 2010, 02:18:34 PM
It looks like the two logins are meant to serve some purpose, but I can't figure it out? How would I comment out the upper boxes in the code. PHP novice. Thanks.


$errors = array();
$page = array( 'formisRemember' => true, 'version' => $version);

if( isset($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['password']) ) {
   $login = getparam('login');
   $password = getparam('password');
   $remember = isset($_POST['isRemember']) && $_POST['isRemember'] == "on";

   $operator = operator_by_login( $login );
   if( $operator && isset($operator['vcpassword']) && $operator['vcpassword'] == md5($password) ) {

      $target = isset($_SESSION['backpath'])
            ? $_SESSION['backpath']
            : "$webimroot/operator/index.php";

      header("Location: $target");
   } else {
      $errors[] = getlocal("page_login.error");
      $page['formlogin'] = $login;

$page['localeLinks'] = get_locale_links("$webimroot/operator/login.php");
Title: Re: double login boxes
Post by: Eddybaur on October 14, 2010, 12:46:33 AM
To remove the login boxes on the top right of the screen, go into view/login.php

then delete
$page['show_small_login'] = true;