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Support / Re: AutoInvite Plugin
« Last post by faf on December 17, 2021, 04:17:37 PM »
Something like that. Mibew Messenger make use of tracking cookies. And that cookies could be blocked in multiple ways: usually it's related to browser preferences, by that's not always so.
Support / Re: AutoInvite Plugin
« Last post by lionsgate on December 17, 2021, 01:47:14 AM »
Are you talking about surfer blocking tracking via browser settings, and in such the case they do not appear in Chat Admin?
Support / Re: Problems with access rights - config.yml readable via webbrowser
« Last post by d00msday on December 16, 2021, 02:08:50 PM »
thanks for the quick reply, indeed i found an error in the apache config and additionally uploaded the original .htaccess again, although i actually did not make any changes to the file.

sometimes you run into a wall and need someone to give you a push.

it works now, thanks!
Support / Re: Problems with access rights - config.yml readable via webbrowser
« Last post by faf on December 16, 2021, 12:50:08 PM »

1. What about permissions on .htaccess ? Does Apache able to read it?
2. Were there any changes made to stock .htaccess ?
2. Does limits management in .htaccess permitted by Apache configuration? I meanAllowOverride directive here.

And actually this question is related to system administration, not to Mibew Messenger itself.
Support / Problems with access rights - config.yml readable via webbrowser
« Last post by d00msday on December 16, 2021, 10:47:24 AM »
hello forum,

i am using mibew in the current version in conjunction with an apache webserver on the latest ubuntu version.

my problem is that, despite .htaccess in the mibew folder, i can access the config.yml when i call the whole path from a webbrowser, as an example

since the config.yml contains access data etc. in plain text, i wonder how i can secure this, so that no one can access this file in the webbrowser.

i already tried to set permissions with chmod, but then the webserver can't access it anymore and the usage doesn't work - also the included .htaccess doesn't seem to help.

what am i doing wrong? where is the error?

thanks for help or ideas!

Support / Re: AutoInvite Plugin
« Last post by faf on December 15, 2021, 11:06:45 AM »
Both manual and auto invitations are impossible without tracking. Actually, it makes sense: if a visitor doesn't want himself to be tracked on a site, he's probably want some privacy and loneliness. So it's up to him whether to contact operator or not. In theory it's possible to track everyone, but Mibew Messenger isn't Big Brother and frankly I don't want to convert it into anything like that.
Support / Re: AutoInvite Plugin
« Last post by lionsgate on December 15, 2021, 07:30:35 AM »
Mibew Version: 3.5.3.
Environment: PHP 7.4.26 PDO/7.4.26 pdo_mysql/7.4.26 gd/7.4.26 curl/7.4.26 mbstring/7.4.26
Description: When someone calls the site when Status is set as Available, they are not auto-invited.
Plugin is listed, and displays as Enabled.
Yes, Operators Group with ID of 1 exists (chat_optgroup.groupid = 1). Only one.
I login as Operator who is assigned to Group ID #1.
Cannot say for sure if they were tracked. I'll have a person test tomorrow to check this.

Thanks for the feedback, suggestions, and support! Maybe getting closer.
Support / Re: AutoInvite Plugin
« Last post by faf on December 14, 2021, 11:22:59 PM »
Still not enough data. No information about versions, no data on system environment, no description of what you're expecting to get and what you're actually getting. No logs. My crystal ball doesn't show me anything of that.

I've just checked the plugin with your settings on freshly installed Mibew Messenger. It works as intended.

If you see the plugin in the plugins list and it can be enabled (so it's state is 'Working'), then the plugin is installed correctly.

Double check your configuration. It's YAML, spaces matters.

Are you sure that you have operators group with id 1? Are you sure that there are at least one operator there? Are you sure that the operator from the group with id 1 is online? If answer to any of that questions is negative, auto invitation will not be sent.

Moreover, to send auto invitation the visitor should be tracked (i.e. shown in the appropriate list) and should not be invited before. Auto invitation is being sent only once.
Support / Re: AutoInvite Plugin
« Last post by lionsgate on December 14, 2021, 07:14:05 PM »
Question is why isn't AutoInvite working? Followed the instructions to the letter.

1. I added the following to the configs/config.yml file:

            wait_time: 1
            strategy: first
            group: 1

2. Via Settings, I enabled Tracking and Inviting.

3. I enabled Silent Invitations before I generated the button. Added code to template.

4. I enabled the plugin.
Announcements / Mibew Messenger 3.5.4 has been released!
« Last post by faf on December 14, 2021, 11:21:44 AM »
Hi there again!

And here comes another release of Mibew Messenger. Version 3.5.4 is available here:

This release contains fixes for a couple of old but potentially dangerous bugs (thanks to Jörg Mechnich for detection and solution). Update is recommended.
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