Mibew Messenger Community
General => Support => Topic started by: sum on June 10, 2011, 11:37:45 PM
I'm using Jetty as Web Server (embedded on my app)
quercus as PHP interpreter
I was able to make a war file (based on quercus, with mysql-jdbc jar) with the webim.
I can deploy the war and everything is ok:
I can access http://.......:8080/webim/install
and I can install the application just fine.
The I access and everything is ok until I try to open a chat, it seems that some of the components are looking at /client.php for example and not /webmin/client.php (place where is located this file)
Before starting to touch the code for the references I would like to have some opinions on this matter.
I also think that this implementation is very interesting because is very easy to deploy on any java application server out of the box.
I would also like to start contributing in this project that it seems really great.
I attach a network trace, I thinks theres something missing on the build of the urls to get those 404 but I cant find where are the url build.
I can see at the source page of the chat:
var threadParams = { servl:"/thread.php",wroot:"",frequency:2,threadid:6,token:31902745,cssfile:"/chat.css",ignorectrl:1 };
where are this params passed? wroot is empty and cssfile is wrong too
any hint?
The problem seems that the php variables can't be obtained from chat.tpl, any idea how to get them??
I changed the paths on the tpl, but now I don't have more 404 not found issues, but it seems the javascript won't work, I have the chat windows but I cant send messages, maybe this has to do with quercus php implementation, I tested on a lighttpd with php and works fine, anyone interested in help with quercus?
I was able to Identify an error on chat.js
Ajax.ChatThreadUpdater = Class.create();
In the obfuscated code is:
nq.lt = mn.nn();
and the error is Uncaugh ReferenceERror: nq is not defined
I believe this is the source of the problem, anybody an idea on how to fix this? maybe some missing reference to jquery??