Mibew Messenger Community
General => Support => Topic started by: simplyfat on May 21, 2009, 04:03:03 PM
how can i see which of my operators are online?
Currently that feature isn't in this software.
try to redirect visitor.. no other way yet
try to redirect visitor.. no other way yet
what do you mean by that?
On this page:
ah okay, thanks! but i need to be in a active chat for that, right?
that doesn't really fit my needs, because i just want to check if my employees are online.
as i see it, it is one of the simplest features to implement. i will just edit my operator/operators.php. but it would be nice if the next version would contains this tiny feature.
by the way: obviously, if even if the last operator logs out, the chat remains online for some time. should i consider this as a bug? as a quick fix, i think /operator/logout.php just needs to set chatoperator.dtmlastvisited a few minutes before the current time...
Sure, no problem to implement. We are going to add it in the next version.
It is not a bug, just gives 30 seconds timeout when operator leaves "Awaiting visitors" page. Set it to 10 seconds if the connection is stable.
sure, i understand that. but if the operator explicitly hits the logout button, the 30 seconds make no sense imho.
Hi guys, when do you think this feature would be implemented? I've had guys at work ask for it and I've thought about writing it myself, which wouldn't be too hard given how well the code is structured, but don't see the point if it's around the corner anyway.
Hi guys, when do you think this feature would be implemented? I've had guys at work ask for it and I've thought about writing it myself, which wouldn't be too hard given how well the code is structured, but don't see the point if it's around the corner anyway.
inspirer's post above says it will be available next release :P (friday)
Has this issue been solved? I want it too :)
Hi BTW - I'm new here and just want to say *superb system* Mibew! Great work!
Can I find out if this is available in the latest release? Am I just missing it? I want to be able to gather all of the online users and be able to send a growl notification to them using php growl. This would probably require some form of customisation on the part of the db, storing an ip that the user is logged in from. If you could give me a pointer in the right direction that would be great. I essentially want to get rid of the alerts that say a new visitor is waiting, but i want a notification of some kind, IE I'd try to modify the script that checks current visitors, the one that is polled by the broswer to find new visitors.
Yep. It is solved.
On the "Operators" page there is a column called "Last active". It can be: Online, Never, Yesterday, February 03 etc.
Notifications: the problem is that all notifications sent from php shouldn't be time consuming. For proper delivery we have to use separate application on the same server or keep a message in database and poll the server. I have to take a look at PHP Growl. Mail me if you know a good solution for notification.