Mibew Messenger Community

General => Support => Topic started by: GrantK on April 09, 2014, 11:55:30 PM

Title: [SOLVED] v1.6.9 Profile Avatar Upload fails
Post by: GrantK on April 09, 2014, 11:55:30 PM
my install of Milbew 1.6.9 works perfectly and has been active for over a month
Just now I decided to add my avatar and failed.

On choosing avatar 90*90px clicking save I am returned with the all too well known
Haven't been able to upload an avatar in any image format successfully.

Any ideas?
Title: Re: v1.6.9 Profile Avatar Upload fails
Post by: faf on April 10, 2014, 08:45:10 AM
On choosing avatar 90*90px clicking save I am returned with the all too well known
  • broken image icon.
There are no such error message in Mibew Messenger 1.6.9. Please, provide the exact message you've got.
Title: Re: v1.6.9 Profile Avatar Upload fails
Post by: GrantK on April 10, 2014, 12:19:01 PM
lol @ that

sorry the message was meant to be [ x ] being the broken image sign, not realizing it was a short code

the exact error message is

cannot load avatar
fronted with the broken image icon
Title: Re: v1.6.9 Profile Avatar Upload fails
Post by: faf on April 10, 2014, 08:17:57 PM
ok. have you seen this thread (http://mibew.org/forums/index.php/topic,372.msg1133.html#msg1133)?
Title: Re: v1.6.9 Profile Avatar Upload fails
Post by: GrantK on April 10, 2014, 10:25:48 PM
Yeah didn't see that thread, thanks.

Anyways, tried setting /images/avatar to 755 didn't work
but then tried setting /images to 755 and that did the trick

thanks for your help
Title: Re: [SOLVED] v1.6.9 Profile Avatar Upload fails
Post by: faf on April 11, 2014, 04:21:00 AM
you're welcome.