Mibew Messenger Community
General => Support => Topic started by: fra3yan on June 16, 2014, 10:51:30 AM
hello sir
i am using your program
now i want to make the display / template like zopim chat , but i just make sure i not make mistake about copyright.
i am ask for
i able to modify your program and template?
if i remove Powered by: mibew.org is break rules?
i just make sure i not break the copyright...
ps: forgive me,if my english not good.
We can forgive bad English. But we can't forgive the fact, that you haven't read this (http://mibew.org/forums/index.php/topic,191523.0.html) before asking a question from FAQ (http://mibew.org/faq#legal). >:(
thank sir
fell free for delete my post