Author Topic: Desktop Tray no msg sound notify / Forces IE  (Read 6543 times)

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Desktop Tray no msg sound notify / Forces IE
« on: August 17, 2013, 08:15:19 AM »
When using the desktop tray, a new msg is sent from a visitor, and there is no "ding" audio sound. This makes you forget about all the visitors sending you messages and you come back 10 minutes later to see all the things they typed.

Secondly, Chrome is my default browser, but it force opens with IE?



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Re: Desktop Tray no msg sound notify / Forces IE
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2013, 10:09:46 AM »
Hi skaapoom,

Welcome to Mibew Support.

Can you log your desktop tray into our Demo site & see if the issue still exists, in settings, click on button in the right pane & click the online Image to activate a visitor message & let us know your results.

PS, Please make sure you close the tray completely & re-open after changing the site's url in Options.
also the tray opens in IE only.



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Re: Desktop Tray no msg sound notify / Forces IE
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2013, 11:30:02 AM »
Here is my two cents. ;)

There were a topic on how to use Firefox instead of IE in Mibew Tray.

Though, we haven't tested it, so use that recipe at your own risk. :)