Author Topic: Operator online time threshold in Visitors page  (Read 39599 times)

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Operator online time threshold in Visitors page
« on: May 06, 2011, 11:25:57 AM »
Hey everyone, Im having a little trouble with the Operator online time threshold. I notice that it applys to every page except for the visitors page. Does anyone know how to get the Operator online time threshold to work for visitors page? I reason I need it to work is because if a Operator leaves the visitors page window open, I would like it to log him or her out after a certain time. Does anyone know how to do this? or does anyone know where I can find the code for the operator online time threshold say in index.php or in libs/common.php or libs/operator.php so I can apply it to users.php. I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for your time and help would be very much appreciated



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Re: Operator online time threshold in Visitors page
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 06:59:28 AM »
Operator is online while he stays on the "Visitors" page. There could be connection issues, thus we use the online time threshold to determine if the operator is online. If the server has "seen" an operator in the last 30 seconds (the default value), the operator is considered to be online.

5 seconds are ok if operators have a stable connection to Mibew server. If the server is hosted somewhere outside of your office, it is better to use higher value.

When you leave the "Visitors" page, you go offline.


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Re: Operator online time threshold in Visitors page
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2011, 02:11:40 AM »
What if the operator forgets to leave the visitors page? is there away to adjust the code so after a certain amount of time they are logged off or set to away? I have noticed in the file pending_users.php that in the js code "updaterOptions" if you take it out the threshold time works but it wont update the page if there is an awaiting visitor. Any help would be great, I gotta get it so if the operator forgets to leave the visitor page they either logged off or set to away