Author Topic: Registration ans using - can't find the way to do this  (Read 24250 times)

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Registration ans using - can't find the way to do this
« on: December 02, 2011, 12:39:55 PM »
What's going on. I've downloaded the messanger soft and installed this. So, how can I register operators? I did not find the answer in you very short FAQ.  How can I change the language to russian? When I open messanger I see hucked page of your main server (img). I will donate only after you help me with using of chat.


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Re: Registration ans using - can't find the way to do this
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2012, 12:10:31 AM »
have you actually installed the software on a webserver and hosted it?

From your screenshot it looks like you have only installed the Windows Tray application which is essentially a frame with a web browser within it. You need a configured and hosted mibew messenger server to connect to.