Author Topic: error install 1.6.7  (Read 6187 times)

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error install 1.6.7
« on: September 27, 2013, 10:38:52 PM »

I'm trying to install version 1.6.7 but I have this error:

Warning: session_start () [function.session-start]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File (/ home/content/72/11660772/tmp) is not Within the allowed path (s): (/ home/content/72/11660772/html/chat3/libs / .. /) in / home/content/72 / 11660772/html/chat3/libs/common.php on line 47

Fatal error: session_start () [<a href='function.session-start'> function.session-start </ a>]: Failed to initialize storage module: files (path:) in / home/content/72/11660772 / html/chat3/libs/common.php on line 47

in my is:

session.save_path: no value no value
open_basedir: no value no value

would have to edit those values​​?
if so, what values ​​I put them?

thanks for the help

Dmitriy Simushev

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Re: error install 1.6.7
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2013, 07:25:15 AM »

A solution of the problem is already described here,191408.msg196858.html