Ok, sorry it took so long. I had to play.

So this is what I worked out and also my 2 cents:
• 504 ErrorI fixed it by writing some rewrite rules in .htaccess and its working great BUT I am pretty sure this can be avoided altogether by making a conditional that says if no www. add www. inside mibew itself when it writes the url for the support popup, but again I am not a programmer.
• Overlapping TextMinor problem easily fixed with your advice. Im sure this will be fixed in the next release of mibew.
• Chat ClosingI am very surprised that this is not a bug and is actually in the design. I think maybe this should be thought through again. It is the natural inclination of anyone closing the chat to go to the X. I don't believe Im alone in this but If you guys are dead set against going this way you should definitely make it an option inside of settings.
Again, These are very minor gripes for a great open source program. I Appreciate all the hard work you guys have done and I look forward to see what the future holds for mibew. Thanks again faf, you've been a huge help.