Author Topic: Mibew Bugs | Any word?  (Read 17768 times)

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Mibew Bugs | Any word?
« on: October 30, 2013, 11:55:51 AM »
Hey guys, First-off I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped bring Mibew to the forefront. It's a great piece of software that will be very useful to me. That said, I would like to relay a couple of bugs I have come across. Maybe some other people have as well and know how to go about fixing them?

• 504 Error
       If you don't have www. in front of your web address in your browser and you click on the chat button you get a 504 error. I looked into it a little deeper and      IS SUCCESSFUL       DOES NOT WORK/ 504

• Overlapping Text on Client Side

There is overlapping text "You are" that intersects with clients name. Attached is an image. I highlighted problem area.

• When client closes window it does not close chat

This one really bugs me cause I know people won't close it with the other button.

So these are the bugs/issues I have been having. If anyone knows any workarounds or fixes I would be greatly appreciative.


« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 11:58:34 AM by Jeremy »


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Re: Mibew Bugs | Any word?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2013, 02:04:03 PM »
• 504 Error

Sorry, but we are unable to reproduce this bug.  :-\

However, it looks similar to this issue. So, the suggestion will also be the same: maybe your problem lies somewhere in your redirection rules? Could you post it here?

• Overlapping Text on Client Side

Yes, we are aware of this issue. At present time, there are no fix for this minor bug. But if you'd searched the forum, you'd be able to find a quick solution;)

• When client closes window it does not close chat

That is not a bug. Mibew Messenger preserves a thread in open state for some time to make it possible for visitor to re-open a dialogue if it was closed by mistake. You can set the time of such preservation in system settings (Settings -> Performance -> Thread lifetime).

At the same time if you really want to change the standard behavior, there is another one quick solution.


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Re: Mibew Bugs | Any word?
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2013, 09:56:30 PM »
Hey Faf,

I really appreciate you taking the time :)
I haven't had a chance to get further into it as I just got home.
I will post my results.

Thanks again man!
I really appreciate it!


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Re: Mibew Bugs | Any word?
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2013, 06:30:06 AM »
You're welcome.  :)


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Re: Mibew Bugs | Any word?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2013, 11:53:08 PM »
Ok, sorry it took so long. I had to play.  :D

So this is what I worked out and also my 2 cents:

• 504 Error

I fixed it by writing some rewrite rules in .htaccess and its working great BUT I am pretty sure this can be avoided altogether by making a conditional that says if no www. add www. inside mibew itself when it writes the url for the support popup, but again I am not a programmer.  ;)

• Overlapping Text

Minor problem easily fixed with your advice. Im sure this will be fixed in the next release of mibew.

• Chat Closing

I am very surprised that this is not a bug and is actually in the design. I think maybe this should be thought through again. It is the natural inclination of anyone closing the chat to go to the X. I don't believe Im alone in this but If you guys are dead set against going this way you should definitely make it an option inside of settings.

Again, These are very minor gripes for a great open source program. I Appreciate all the hard work you guys have done and I look forward to see what the future holds for mibew. Thanks again faf, you've been a huge help.

Peace!  8)

« Last Edit: November 01, 2013, 11:55:12 PM by Jeremy »


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Re: Mibew Bugs | Any word?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2013, 03:35:21 PM »
• When client closes window it does not close chat

That is not a bug. Mibew Messenger preserves a thread in open state for some time to make it possible for visitor to re-open a dialogue if it was closed by mistake. You can set the time of such preservation in system settings (Settings -> Performance -> Thread lifetime).

At the same time if you really want to change the standard behavior, there is another one quick solution.

i also have a problem with both users that click the chat button without really wanting to chat( they have a greeting message asking them to shoot the question, so it`s not that they wait for something) and also various bots that cant be blocked via ban on ip range (which could be really useful)..

this script thing would be a good solution if it worked, but unfortunately i tried the code from the latest post in july 2013, put it in the right chat.tpl and also in all of them, with no effect.. when closing the window, the chat thread remains active.. i put the the thread lifetime settings to 1 seconds, also no effect when closing window by clicking on x button, still seen forever active until i manually open and then close the thread


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Re: Mibew Bugs | Any word?
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2013, 06:27:21 PM »
• 504 Error

I fixed it by writing some rewrite rules in .htaccess and its working great BUT I am pretty sure this can be avoided altogether by making a conditional that says if no www. add www. inside mibew itself when it writes the url for the support popup, but again I am not a programmer.  ;)

Mibew Messenger works fine with any values of url parameter provided that the webserver's configuration is OK. I don't think that it's right to try to fix some specific server's configuration issues in the application.

• Overlapping Text

Minor problem easily fixed with your advice. Im sure this will be fixed in the next release of mibew.

Maybe it will.  ;)

• Chat Closing

I am very surprised that this is not a bug and is actually in the design. I think maybe this should be thought through again. It is the natural inclination of anyone closing the chat to go to the X. I don't believe Im alone in this but If you guys are dead set against going this way you should definitely make it an option inside of settings.

Fine, we'll think about implementing such behaviour as an option. But only in Mibew 2.x, since the features list of Mibew 1.6.x is frozen.


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Re: Mibew Bugs | Any word?
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2013, 06:41:25 PM »
this script thing would be a good solution if it worked, but unfortunately i tried the code from the latest post in july 2013, put it in the right chat.tpl and also in all of them, with no effect.. when closing the window, the chat thread remains active..

First of all, the original recipe is about changing chat.js, not chat.tpl.

The whole idea here is to register the appropriate javascript handler for onbeforeunload event. And then to hope that the browser your visitor is using will invoke that event properly (which will not happen in Opera, for example).

i put the the thread lifetime settings to 1 seconds, also no effect when closing window by clicking on x button, still seen forever active until i manually open and then close the thread

It doesn't work that way. Mibew Messenger 1.6.x closes only old threads that was seen by an operator. So, in your example, to autoclose the thread an operator should open the appropriate dialogue and then close the window. It's the limitation of the application design.

And one should understand that this feature is not about fighting bots. It's only about garbage collection.


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Re: Mibew Bugs | Any word?
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2013, 07:06:56 PM »
Thank you for your help, it works with chat.js code, the thread is auto-closed if visitors closes the window.. dont care that much about Opera browser anyway  ;D