Good afternoon, I downloaded the 2.0 mibew this link:, it downloads everything, took only the folder: mibew, and installed from scratch, like I did in version 1.6.9 mibew, always test the wamp and then climb on the server hosting my website.
I noticed that inside the folder: libs, not more and this name: config.php default_config.php and yes, I did everything like in the old version, to access: localhost / mibew / install / this error:

I renamed : defaul_config.php for: config.php and shows same error .
I climbed it in the hosting server in another database to not tamper with the 1.6.9 version , and he did not open anything, not of error , and as if the command had not been received .
Observation , my calls mibew 1.6.9 : site12345 ... and database too, and calls mibew version 2.0 : mibew and database also . Later renamed to mibew 2.0 : site13856089191 and database and also shows same page is blank. And the problem in wamp server hosting locaweb Brazil .
To help you further, specifying the wamp :
Server Type : MySQL
Server version: 5.6.12
Version of the client database : libmysql - mysqlnd 5.0.10
Apache/2.4.4 ( Win32 ) PHP/5.4.16
phpMyAdmin : Version : 4.0.4
I know that the latest version of phpmyadmin and : 4.1.6 but runs well with old then left . In the wamp to update phpmyadmin .
The specification of Powerball hosting in Brazil :
Apache/2.2.21 ( Debian )
MySQL client version : 5.1.66
Server Version : 5.1.71
phpMyAdmin : version : 3.3.10deb2
If this helps .
Fernando .