Author Topic: How to Disable Checking for Operator in New Chat?  (Read 6701 times)

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How to Disable Checking for Operator in New Chat?
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:53:07 PM »
We want to do this:

1) There are operators online.
2) The visitor clicks the CHAT NOW button and opens chat window.
3) Operators see new visitor but DOES NOT join his chat.
4) Remove the text for visitor side that says "Waiting for operator to join..."
5) Allow the visitor to enter stuff into the chat ANYWAYS and still store them in the database.

Right now, the script does not allow the visitor to enter anything into the chat box until AFTER an operator takes his call.

We've tried everything -- such as automatically changing the "istate" in table chatthread to "1" and inputting a fake "lastagentping" but none of it is working.

We need to remove the block of code that checks for whether an operator has connected or not.
Where to find the code? Where is that located?


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Re: How to Disable Checking for Operator in New Chat?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2014, 03:35:33 PM »
I'm afraid that there is something wrong with your Mibew installation, since there are no any code that prevents a user from typing until an operator joins the chat. Check our demo.