Author Topic: Direct downloads and mirrors of repositories  (Read 7461 times)

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Direct downloads and mirrors of repositories
« on: November 12, 2024, 11:28:01 PM »
Hi there!

In continuous efforts to keep our project available to everyone we’ve made two important infrastructural steps.

First of all, we've switched to direct dowloads for all files of Mibew Messenger project. Now it's available on our site. Without any restrictions and discriminations. We’ll keep the mirror at SourceForge, but from now on the main way to download Mibew Messenger is our own server.

Second of all, we set up our domestic Gitea instance and mirrored all of our Github repositories. At the moment we’ll keep using Github for the development, but one can use the synced mirrors in case of any troubles accessing Github.

Lately we’ve encountered some unacceptable forms of discrimination of people living in different parts of the World in access to our data. We strongly believe in freedom of information. We believe that anyone has rights to download, modify, use, and distribute our software as long as it is done according to the license. And we neither don’t like, nor don’t accept the situation when any particular government restrict those rights according to its own political views and interests. We stand against the injustice. And we'll win.