Author Topic: If server has the name of webim in the database,how can install the messanger?  (Read 15256 times)

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When I create the database for webim,but the username webim already exists,I can't use the username for my database. Please let me know how to solve the problem and install mebew messenger in my website?

Dmitriy Simushev

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You can always set prefix for mibew databases in the $mysqlprefix variable in libs/config.php.



  • Jr. Member
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Thanks for your answer. Can you tell me the details?

If I change mysqlprefix "" in libs/config.php,how can I set prefix for mibew database?

That means:I set mysqlprefix " Ilike" ,then when I create database by the username Ilike-webim,

Is that right?

Dmitriy Simushev

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$mysqlprefix it's the prefix for mysql tables, not for database.
I'm sorry, but i'm not really understand your question. Can you please define it more exactly?



  • Jr. Member
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Dmitriy,Thanks for your reply.

The problem is that I can not create the database for my website by the username of webim because somebody has created webim already.

Now i want to use mibew messenger. Can you tell me how to create database and install mibew messenger in my website?

Dmitriy Simushev

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Try to change $mysqldb parameter in webim/libs/config.php to
the name that deffers from 'webim' (for example it can be called 'another_webim')
and install mibew, by typing http://yourhost/webim/install/ in a browser address line.
If your mysql user have permission to creating databases, the 'another_webim'
database would created automatically.

But if your mysql user have no such permissions you must manually create this
database, next specify in $mysqldb the name of the created database and after all install mibew.

Hope it helps,


  • Jr. Member
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Thanks Dmitriy.

I tried a few times,but failed . The information is as follows:
Follow the wizard to setup your database.
 Correct the mistakes:

Please, check file /vogueweb/chat_webim/libs/config.php
Wrong value of $chat_webimroot variable, should be "/vogueweb/chat_webim".

In fact, i changed webim/libs/config.php to chat_webim already. But i can't install it.

Please give me a hand.

Dmitriy Simushev

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As I think, you need to set $webimroot variable to '/vogueweb/chat_webim' in config.php.
