Author Topic: Using a Fluid SSB as a native client [mac]  (Read 24980 times)

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Using a Fluid SSB as a native client [mac]
« on: March 20, 2012, 09:11:41 AM »
Here's a way you can get decent chat notifications on a Mac:

1. Download Fluid - it can create a seperate browser app just for your Mibew site. You'll need to buy the full version for the userscripts support (it's only $5):

2. Create a browser for your site. You can use the attached icon to make it pretty.

3. Add the following userscript, it will create a badge, play a sound and send a Growl notification on new chats:
Code: [Select]
window.fluid.dockBadge = '';
setTimeout(updateDockBadge, 1000);
setTimeout(updateDockBadge, 3000);
setInterval(updateDockBadge, 5000);

var waiting_old = 0;

function updateDockBadge() {
var waiting_new = document.getElementsByClassName("inwait").length;
if (waiting_new > waiting_old) {
    title: "New WebIM Chat",
    description: "Please check your WebIM client",
    priority: 1,
    sticky: false,
    identifier: "webimchat"
window.fluid.dockBadge = waiting_new;
waiting_old = waiting_new;


For further options see: