Please can you let me know the file to modify to change the size of the pop up for the operator.
For operator:
/webim/js/source/users.js (lines 73, 80 and 86): replace 640, 480 => your size
1. Adjust 3 lines:
gen += HtmlGenerationUtils.popupLink( (cantakenow||!canview) ? link : link+"&viewonly=true", localized[canopen ? 0 : 1], "ImCenter"+id,username, 640, 480, null);
gen += HtmlGenerationUtils.popupLink( link, localized[0], "ImCenter"+id, '<img src="'+webimRoot+'/images/tbliclspeak.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="'+localized[0]+'">', 640, 480, null);
gen += HtmlGenerationUtils.popupLink( link+"&viewonly=true", localized[1], "ImCenter"+id, '<img src="'+webimRoot+'/images/tbliclread.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="'+localized[1]+'">', 640, 480, null);
2. Recompile JavaScript (see the instructions