Author Topic: 1.6.3 - blocking does not work properly  (Read 12544 times)

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1.6.3 - blocking does not work properly
« on: March 02, 2011, 08:53:50 AM »

I'm using v1.6.3 of mibew messenger and lately I have encountered several spammers. I tried adding their IP's to a blocklist but all that does it to let me know it's a spammer and my own pre-set comment. I'd like them to not be able to start the conversation at all and possibly show them the comment why they are banned / blocked from using the online chat.

At the moment only way for me to close the incoming chat and stop the annoying "New visitor is waiting for an answer" pop-up is to enter the chat and then close the window by clicking the red "x" which reveals my handle and lets the spammer know there is actually a person on the other side reading their bs (that fuels the spammer to spam even more chat windows and more bs my way  :-[).

Is there a way to properly ban an IP address from opening a new chat window?


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Re: 1.6.3 - blocking does not work properly
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2012, 09:14:40 PM »
I'm having the same trouble with 1.6.4
Not sure what the point of banning an IP is if the spammer's visits still alert you and show up in the queue pinging away as if they are a real visitor.

Anybody got a fix?


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Re: 1.6.3 - blocking does not work properly
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2012, 11:21:57 AM »
I've got a fix that prevent chats from banned IPs to be shown in the list.

In the file update.php, function thread_to_xml, add these lines just before the return $result; line in the end of the function:

if ($banForThread) {
$result = "";
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 11:23:39 AM by hjalmjall »


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Re: 1.6.3 - blocking does not work properly
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2012, 10:39:34 AM »
i have the same issue, i think this error should be fixed in the official relase. Banned user shouden't have access to chat and see a specific message.