Author Topic: Question: How can I change the textarea editor to another .example:tinymce  (Read 25396 times)

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Hi ,everyone.
I wanna to change the current message editor to a more powerful editor ,for example:
You can see a demo at   admin: admin password:apple0131   admin:admin password:(no password)

The problem's after I typed in the new editor. I can't get the message sent.


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Its because the wysiwyg editor you have added  is using it's own textarea & not the messengers.

Personally, I don't see the point in having a full blown editor in a chat box.



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I just need the emotion and picture uploading function. And I use the same textarea id and name "msgwnd".
And what should I do if I have to replace the old  to the new editor.

Dmitriy Simushev

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You cannot use any markup in message: it will be cutted at server side.

I'm afraid but in Mibew 1.6.4/1.6.5 there is no way to do what you want.

New version of Mibew will provide an API for custom plugins. If you OK with unstable products,
you can fork Mibew at Github and try to implement functionality you want as a plugin.

Best regards,


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I notice that I need to change the PHP functions to make the text area can contain html.
I wonder if there are developer docs for us to change the project.


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I notice that I need to change the PHP functions to make the text area can contain html.
I wonder if there are developer docs for us to change the project.

No, unfortunately at present time there are no any docs or manuals.

Though it will be included into the project's roadmap that soon to be published.


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I will wait the moment. However I would like to do some custom change.
For example:
1) MultiLevel Group.

First:GroupLevel1 [SelectOption] --GroupLevel2 [SelectOption]-- Operators.

Second:Message/Chat with related operators.

2) Message not only plain text.

You can change to any editors. You can enter whatever message  just like you reply in this fourm. :) :)AAA

3)Auto Reply.

Can add customed answer to questions to a FAQ system.
Robot can autometicly answer people's FAQs.


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Can you give me some advice about which files I need to change as I notice this MCV php project's beauty.
I will work on it for a week to let it work for my purpose. I wish you guys could give me some advice.Thanks for all.
Regards Cui.


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Can you give me some advice about which files I need to change as I notice this MCV php project's beauty.
I will work on it for a week to let it work for my purpose. I wish you guys could give me some advice.Thanks for all.

Well, actually, it's almost impossible to give you an irrefragable answer to your question. 'cause in this case the answer would mean that we've already found a way to solve your troubles.  ;)

Probably, you should look into libs/chat.php, libs/groups.php, libs/operator.php, operator/group.php, operator/groups.php, operator/groupmembers.php, operator/opgroups.php, operator/update.php, views/group.php, views/groups.php, views/operator_groups.php. And into chat.js for browser-side modifications. And into some templates in styles/<your theme>.

So, if we talk about Mibew 1.6.x, you'll have to rewrite a lot of code to achieve what you want.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2013, 05:56:34 PM by faf »


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Thanks for your advice. 
Cui. :)


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Thanks for your advice. 

You're welcome.  :)

And tell us, if you'll succeed. We're curious. ;)