Author Topic: Google Chrome jumps to Mibewtab when visitor waits for chatsession  (Read 6380 times)

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when a visitor "asked" for a chatsession, in IE there is just a message notifying the administrator.
But in Google Chrome, the browser goes immediately to the administrativetab from mibew, even if you're working in some other browsertab.
Is there a possibility to fix that in Google Chrome there is also just a notification instead of jumping to the mibewtab?

Best regards


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Re: Google Chrome jumps to Mibewtab when visitor waits for chatsession
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2014, 09:53:18 AM »
Probably you should disable popup notifications about new visitors (see Settings -> Optional Services). The other option for you is to search for some solution to change the default behaviour of Google Chrome on standard javascript alerts.