No problem we all are busy in life, it is possible the problem is that i cannot figure out what controls the session and the code that creates the send chat history page. i can copy the code for the image its self but when clicking it i get an internal error in which i suspect that the code which should forward me to the send chat history page with the same session.
here is the code for the image it self from the user side
Before the send chat history button there is this small code, not sure exactly what it does but am working on it.
<td align="right">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" border="0"><tr>
The send chat history button.
<a href="${page:mailLink}&style=${styleid}" target="_blank" title="${msg:chat.window.toolbar.mail_history}" onClick="this.newWindow ='${page:mailLink}&style=${styleid}', 'ForwardMail', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=1,menubar=0,width=603,height=254,resizable=0'); if (this.newWindow != null) {this.newWindow.focus();this.newWindow.opener=window;}return false;"><img src="${tplroot}/images/buttons/email.gif" border="0" alt="${msg:chat.window.toolbar.mail_history}"/></a>
This code is after the send chat history button
I tried substituting the if:user function with changing it to if:agent, Then the user doesn't see the send chat history but the operator does but when the operator clicks the button it redirects it to webim/operator/&style=simplicity in which it looks like it doesn't get any token, and if you click the user end send chat history it directs you to this webim/client.php?thread=68&token=70406210&level=ajaxed&act=mailthread&style=simplicity Which has a token. That's the problem; the problem am facing now is that i cannot figure out how does it create a token from the chat itself and transfers it into the send chat history option because that option and the chat itself is generated by the same token. i will also try to post some screen shoots to help better understand what is going on.
Thanks for any suggestions. Mibew Messenger Team rocks !