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Support / Re: Window opens in Separate Window
« Last post by jx12345 on November 17, 2021, 02:56:31 PM »

Many thanks for your response. Apologies for not including software versions.

I'm using Mibew 3.5.2 - the link you included seems to suggest it was fixed in 3.5.0? Perhaps it is not the same issue?

I have two local test machines - Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Virtual Machine in Virtual Box on Win10 the other is CentOS 7.9 both running Apache & PHP 7.4.x

Both of these allow the popup\iframe to run find when viewed in the following browsers:

Chrome Version 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (64-bit) Win10
Firefox 94.01 (64-bit) Win 10

Firefox 91.03.0esr (64-bit) CentOS 7.9

But the same browsers (and several others) show the live site (A VPS running Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, Apache & PHP 7.4) only with the windowed chat

I have also tested on another test VPS (CentOS 7.6, Apache, PHP 7.2) and again it only runs in the windowed chat with the same 404 error on the cookies-set-permission call.

Again any help would be greatly appreciated - we're finding that users are struggling to use it in the windowed chat as they 'lose' it behind the website page and don't know how to get back to it!

Thanks, again,
Support / Re: Window opens in Separate Window
« Last post by faf on November 17, 2021, 02:12:05 PM »

You didn't specified information about software versions, but I presume, that you're talking about Mibew Messenger 3.5.x and some modern Webkit-based browser.

The short answer: everything works as intended. Mibew Messenger just falls back to window-based chat, because otherwise it will be completely unworkable. The problem is related to "privacy"-related changes to handling of cookies implemented by Google. See the appropriate issue for more info.
Support / Window opens in Separate Window
« Last post by jx12345 on November 16, 2021, 04:43:59 PM »
Hi, wondered if anyone might be able to help. I've installed mibew on my local test server and it opens up in the popup/iframe box but when i've installed it on my live server the chat window opens in a separate window. When generating the button I don't have the Use Window box ticked and the generated button code has preferIFrame: true.

Any help much appreciated.

On the servers where the chat won't render in the popup/iframe I seem to get a 404 on cookies-set-permission?rnd=0.214123.. and an error in chat_popup.js

Again any help or pointers greatly appreciated
Announcements / Mibew Messenger 3.5.2 has been released!
« Last post by faf on November 04, 2021, 02:28:29 PM »
Hi there!

Mibew Messenger 3.5.2 has just been released and is available here:

This release contains a fix for one very old bug. Update is slightly recommended.
General Discussion / Re: Mibew Messenger 1.6.15 and php 7.4
« Last post by faf on November 04, 2021, 01:37:28 PM »
1. Please, post separate questions in separate topics.

2. The code of 1.6.x is open and free/libre, it's available at Github, so probably one could try to make it compatible with modern versions of PHP. At the same time the aforementioned code is obsolete (most recent changes were made 6 years ago, and most code is much older), and probably contains vulnerabilities. So genuinely it's a very bad idea.
General Discussion / Mibew Messenger 1.6.15 and php 7.4
« Last post by scott_ease on November 04, 2021, 05:59:45 AM »
First of all, I'm grateful to all open source programs.

Mibew Messenger is probably the most lightweight open source livechat software, which is certainly an attractive advantage.

Since you mentioned speed and performance, I'd like to ask a question: Is there any way to make Mibew Messenger 1.6.15 compatible with php7.4 or downsize current version 3.5.1? I like version 1.6.15 because it's cheeringly lightweight with only 10 sql tables.

Thank you.
Support / Re: gulp failed with error in plugin "gulp-xgettext"
« Last post by faf on November 03, 2021, 01:26:46 PM »
Honestly speaking, the program is not convenient. Currently user can only edit CSS files without rebuilding system. Could you guys make some change to let user freely edit all files under "styles" directory?

So, anyone could easily break the markup (or even add some nice XSS vulnerabilities), and then ask lame questions like "how to add a custom field?" and make stupid statements like "nothing works, this software sucks". Not to mention the negative effect on speed and performance. We've been through that with Mibew Messenger 1.x. The answer is no, thanks.

And, btw, there is a huge difference between typical end users and people who want to deeply customize the software. Mibew Messenger is convenient for the first ones. As of last ones, consider existing specifics as an entry threshold test.

In that way, Mibew Messenger will become much more popular.

What makes you think so? Not to mention the fact that we don't care too much about popularity.
Support / Re: gulp failed with error in plugin "gulp-xgettext"
« Last post by scott_ease on November 03, 2021, 12:52:29 AM »
Honestly speaking, the program is not convenient. Currently user can only edit CSS files without rebuilding system. Could you guys make some change to let user freely edit all files under "styles" directory? In that way, Mibew Messenger will become much more popular.
Thank you.
Support / Re: gulp failed with error in plugin "gulp-xgettext"
« Last post by faf on November 01, 2021, 06:36:14 PM »
Frankly the only reasonable advice personally I can give is to not use Windows as a building environment. I've just checked the building process using VM with the actual LTS version of Ubuntu onboard. All went nice. As well as on our domestic test system with a completely different GNU/Linux distro. Probably (and even highly likely) there are some best practices on how to properly configure Windows-based node.js environment, but I'm unaware of them.
Support / Re: gulp failed with error in plugin "gulp-xgettext"
« Last post by scott_ease on October 31, 2021, 05:29:41 AM »
It went through a couple of times but got stuck again. This time the error message is as follows:

[22:11:39] Using gulpfile ~\Desktop\mibew\src\gulpfile.js
[22:11:39] Starting 'default'...
[22:11:39] Starting 'clean'...
[22:11:39] Finished 'clean' after 33 ms
[22:11:39] Starting 'js'...
[22:11:39] Starting 'chat-styles'...
[22:11:39] Starting 'page-styles'...
[22:11:39] Starting 'generate-tmp-po'...
[22:11:39] Starting 'chat-styles-handlebars'...
[22:11:39] Starting 'generate-pot'...
[22:11:41] Finished 'page-styles' after 2.16 s
[22:11:43] Finished 'chat-styles-handlebars' after 3.71 s
[22:11:43] Starting 'chat-styles-js'...
[22:11:43] Finished 'chat-styles-js' after 65 ms
[22:11:43] Finished 'chat-styles' after 3.82 s
[22:11:44] Finished 'js' after 5.34 s
[22:11:49] Finished 'generate-pot' after 9.92 s
[22:11:49] Starting '<anonymous>'...
[22:11:49] Finished '<anonymous>' after 367 ms
[22:11:49] Finished 'generate-tmp-po' after 10 s
[22:11:49] Starting 'pack-sources'...
[22:11:49] Starting 'composer-install'...
[22:11:49] Starting 'get-composer'...
[22:11:55] Finished 'get-composer' after 5.72 s
[22:11:55] Starting '<anonymous>'...
[22:12:10] Finished '<anonymous>' after 15 s
[22:12:10] Finished 'composer-install' after 21 s
[22:12:10] Starting 'bower-install'...
[22:12:18] 'bower-install' errored after 7.5 s
[22:12:18] Error: File not found with singular glob: C:/Users/Administrator/Desk
top/mibew/src/mibew/js/vendor/backbone/backbone.js (if this was purposeful, use
`allowEmpty` option)
    at Glob.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mibew\src\node_modules\g
    at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:422:26)
    at Glob.emit (events.js:315:20)
    at Glob.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:485:12)
    at Glob._finish (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mibew\src\node_modules\glob-
    at done (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mibew\src\node_modules\glob-stream\n
    at Glob._processSimple2 (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mibew\src\node_modul
    at C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mibew\src\node_modules\glob-stream\node_mo
    at Glob._stat2 (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mibew\src\node_modules\glob-s
    at lstatcb_ (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mibew\src\node_modules\glob-stre
[22:12:18] 'pack-sources' errored after 28 s
[22:12:18] 'default' errored after 39 s

This time it's bower-install error, sometimes it's composer-install error. I tried reinstall Nodejs & Git & GNU gettext, I also tried command "npm cache clean" & "npm install" & "npm audit fix" but couldn't proceed.

Any advice? Thank you.
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